Monday, April 1, 2013

How I Spent My Easter Holiday...

I'm not trying to brag. I'm just writing what's real. Last Monday, I shared with you about how badly I needed a good, hard, solid fuck. I had to wait until early Friday morning before I got my healthy and generous serving from my boyfriend. His flight was supposed to be in at 9:48 p.m., Thursday. Well, when has a flight ever arrived on time when you're hot and horny?

Well, I finally got what I was waiting for and then some. It was good. And then I, in turn, gave the boyfriend what he needed also (okay, he got lucky, he got both my ass and then my cock).

Life is good!

Black Lover Naked


Choklit Daddy said...

That's a beautiful photo. Of course, it IS a subject near and dear to my ... um ... heart. ;)

Unknown said...

Great choice. Black men love white slaves