Monday, April 9, 2012

Every Picture Tells...

It has often been said that every picture tells a story. That's probably true and I agree. At the same time, I think it is also true that every picture can offer the viewer many questions. That's exactly what the image I'm sharing here does for me. What's on the mind of the photographer and of the subject with this one? What's the message this photo is conveying?

One of the first questions that comes to me is this: Why is this man naked?
Hopefully, his nudity is due to his own personal choice. Otherwise, it might be due to a lack of financial resources. Ideally, it's the former and not the latter. Then again, his nakedness could be a part of some sort of political statement.

Second, Why is he holding a sign?
Maybe his nakedness is due to a lack of funds and he's soliciting donations. Or, once again, it could be related to making a political statement. The possibilities are endless.

Each question seems to trigger another. For example: Is there any significance to his boots? What about his keffiyeh (head covering)? The list can go on, forever. But, I think by now, you can see where I'm going with all this. Things, including photographs, aren't always as simple as they may appear.

Yes, it's true that every picture tells a story. However, not every picture has all the answers. Just some food for thought here.

Black Lover Naked

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