Six Feet Under is an award-winning, groundbreaking television series that aired for five seasons on HBO from June 3, 2001, through August 21, 2005. It featured 63 episodes and was created and produced by Alan Ball. The series featured the Fisher family, a dysfunctional clan who operated a funeral home in their personal home, and all their friends and lovers. Due to its' quirky nature and intricate character plots, it was a hit with both domestic and international audiences.
Six Feet Under was a trailblazing show in several ways not often recognized in the mainstream (heterosexual) media. First and foremost, it featured a biracial same gender loving couple in positive and major recurring roles. To date, this accomplishment hasn't been repeated. Secondly, these two characters were both masculine men. Mathew St. Patrick's on-camera persona, Keith Charles, was initially a LAPD officer. Hall's role was that of co-owner of the family's undertaking enterprise. Both portrayed strong, vulnerable and volatile gay men. Thirdly, St. Patrick's role was that of a black man, openly gay, out and proud. Michael C. Hall's was, at first, closeted and in denial. Stereotypically, the reverse is usually the norm.
Of course, Mathew St. Patrick caught my eye and my imagination. Seriously, what's not to like about the man? He's one handsome piece of eye-candy who often got me in hot water with the man that I was in a relationship with while the show was broadcast. Six Feet Under was the first time that I was exposed (no pun intended) to him as a performer. I regret that he hasn't had a role to equal this one since. I am planning to write more about Mr. St. Patrick in the future.
Six Feet Under received widespread critical acclaim, particularly for its acting and writing, and consistently attracted high ratings for the HBO network. It won numerous awards, including nine Emmy Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards, three Golden Globe Awards and a Peabody Award.
Black Lover Naked
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