Thursday, June 7, 2012

Photo Advice

Modern technology is constantly changing the way that we live. One of these advances is the multiple uses of our phones, especially with improved quality and the rising popularity of social networking. Tens of millions are now taking self pictures with their phones and posting these on social sites as well as sending to friends and family everywhere.

Increasingly, gay men are now taking self images of themselves nude. It's no longer as big a deal as it was say, maybe, ten years ago. Slowly, it is becoming more acceptable. As a naturist/nudist, I wholeheartedly welcome this evolution. I also smile to myself whenever I see this. After all, I've been sharing nude photographs of myself for years now.

While what is custom and routine for me is still a novelty for others, I admit that I am enjoying the fruits of this new fashionable trend. I now have acquaintances who volunteer to send me a picture and seconds later, there it is. What the sender neglected to tell me was that the photo is a nude one. Of course, that's no problem whatsoever for me. And yes, I willingly return the favor.

However, I do humbly offer one piece of advice to my fellow amateur self photographers. Next time you feel the urge to take another photo, please, give it a moments thought before you point and shoot. Before you strip and press the button, look around you. Please, clean your room!

Black Lover Naked

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