The National Association of Black and White Men Together (NABWMT) is an gay men's organization seeking to promote harmony between men of both races, regardless of the type of relationship. The group hopes to bring men to a greater understanding of each other no matter if they are friends, lovers or just concerned gay men who are trying to reach out to create unity.
The group's mission statement reads: "The NABWMT is committed to fostering supportive environments wherein cultural and racial barriers can be overcome."
What makes up the NABWMT?
"The NABWMT is a collective nationwide network of affiliated and developing chapters in over 30 cities that identify themselves as Black and White Men Together (BWMT), Men of All Colors Together (MACT) or People of All Colors Together (PACT) in keeping with the cultural dynamics of their respective areas.
The national convention: 33rd Annual Convention, Columbus, Ohio, July 9 - 13, 2013
Theme: Still Our Purpose, Still Our Organization, Still Our Pride
Black Lover Naked
Actor Colin Black Kisses a white man's cock
LOVE Colin :-)
Wow. That is purty. ;)
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