Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sharing A Room: Two

Continued from Thursday, July 5, 2012

Communication and trust are essential when sharing a room with another couple. Both couples need to discuss whatever concerns or issues any of the four individuals involved deem important. Some of these may be guidelines, boundaries and scheduling bedroom privacy for each respective couple. In bringing such topics beforehand, this eliminates any possibility of a misunderstanding later.

It is known that nudity doesn't necessarily imply sexual availability. Having a dialogue regarding this in advance enables both couples to enjoy the time spent together in comfort. It also eliminates any potential misunderstanding between any of the men as to what is fun and flirtatious and what is a sexual advance. This discussion also opens the individuals to the possibility of any polyamorous relationships if all the men are receptive to such.

In establishing lines of communication, the couples are able to convey their respective feelings towards modesty regarding intimacy. Some long-time nudists may be uncomfortable being intimate while others are nearby or able to see. Others simply could care less (such as my boyfriend and myself). In establishing these boundaries, no one is offended by any surprise that may happen during the stay together and such situations can be avoided through respect and mutual consideration.

On a personal note, my boyfriend and I, along with the other couples that we share accommodations, do not all sleep in the same bed. It's nothing prudish or modest, just too cramped. In addition, it can be awkward if one couple is feeling intimate and the other isn't. We always make reservations with two queen/full size beds, at the very least. We find this arrangement the minimally intrusive and most respectful of each other. This works best for us.  

In sharing with you some of our experiences, I hope to open to others the possibility of different options while on a nakation. It is hoped that in doing so, others may learn of an economical solution to surviving these tight times of an uncertain financial situation.

Black Lover Naked  

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